Évènement : Évènement à Montpellier en juin 1645
Identifiant : HISCOD_10044
Date :

Année : 1645

Mois : Juin

Jour : -

Jour de la semaine : -

Localisation :

Lieu historique : Montpellier

Lieu : Montpellier

Code commune : 34172

Latitude : 43.608990112405

Longitude : 3.88040548941253

Unités administratives historiques :

Entité politique : Royaume de France

Entité administrative : Montpellier

Sous-entité administrative : Montpellier

Unités administratives :

Pays : France

Entité administrative : Occitanie

Sous-entité administrative : Hérault

Caractéristiques :

Typologie HiSCoD : Émeute fiscale

Typologie originale : Insurrection

Nombre de participants : IndéterminéParticipation féminine : Oui

Présentation du contenu

Description (langue originale) : Émeute fiscale à Montpellier en juin 1645 suite à la nouvelle levée d'une taxe, le droit de joyeux avènement. Forte participation féminine.

Description (anglais) : In June 1645, a new tax, the joyeux avènement à la couronne, was being promulgated by the intendant Baltazar and resulted in a fiscal riot. The participants were mostly women, not just in the initial protest phase but throughout the violence. Most of them were artisans' wives, possibly joined by female servants, by women throwing rocks, of a tailor being arrested for refusing to pay the tax, and of women marching through town beating drums and proclaiming that it was time to get ride of partisans (tax farmers On June 30th, women appeared armed with 'axes, knives, halberds, and swords', saying 'that all the partisans had to be killed and their houses burned'. The leader was 'Monteille', the wife of a tile-maker and another woman known only as 'la Branlaire'. The result was that shots were fired from Dupuy's windows at an unarmed assemblage, predominantly women. Bystanders were wounded and at least two men were killed. The next day Schomberg suspended the unpopular taxes, and all the magistrates patrolled the streets in full regalia.


Sources primaires : -

Bibliographie : Porchnev, Boris (1963). Les soulèvements populaires en France de 1623 à 1648. Paris : S.E.V.P.E.N., p. 679 [p. 664].
Beik, William (1990). ‘The Culture of Protest in Seventeenth-Century French Towns’. Social History, 15(1), pp. 1-23 [10.1080/03071029008567754].
Beik, William (1997). Urban Protest in Seventeenth-Century France: The Culture of Retribution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 300 [pp. 117-126].


Auteur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

Contributeur(s) : -

Date de création : 2021-06-18

Date d'édition : 2022-04-19