Évènement : Évènement en Carinthie en 1478
Identifiant : HISCOD_18907
Date :

Année : 1478

Mois : -

Jour : -

Jour de la semaine : -

Localisation :

Lieu historique : Carinthie

Lieu : -

Code commune : -

Latitude : 46.6239915548165

Longitude : 14.3077416790501

Unités administratives historiques :

Entité politique : Saint-Empire romain germanique

Entité administrative : -

Sous-entité administrative : -

Unités administratives :

Pays : Autriche

Entité administrative : Carinthie

Sous-entité administrative : -

Caractéristiques :

Typologie HiSCoD : Indéterminé

Typologie originale : -

Nombre de participants : IndéterminéParticipation féminine : Indéterminé

Présentation du contenu

Description (langue originale) : -

Description (anglais) : ‘The need of the border country was added. The Turkish invasions have been a plague that recurs almost every year since 1469. In addition to the Turkish distress, there was internal war. In Styria, noble mercenary leaders revolted and brought new misery to the country. The peasant suffered particularly from these wars and feuds. The Turkish cavalry armies scorched and plundered the valleys, murdered children and old people, desecrated women and girls and led men and women into slavery by the tens of thousands. The nobles found shelter behind their castle walls from this rapidly passing storm. In the areas where the Turk did not come, the common man was kept from his work by the land contingent, which had become the common form of national defense in Styria in this century, and the robots that he had to do to fortify the cities remote. The extraordinarily high taxes which were incessantly imposed on the country to restore internal peace and to ward off enemies hit him above all.’


Sources primaires : -

Bibliographie : Franz, Günther (1933). Der deutsche Bauernkrieg. München: R. Oldenburg, p. 494 [p. 34].


Auteur(s) : Patrick J. Crawford

Contributeur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

Date de création : 2022-03-01

Date d'édition : 2022-04-19