Évènement : Évènement à Manchester le 3 mai 1829
Identifiant : HISCOD_14504
Date :

Année : 1829

Mois : Mai

Jour : 3

Jour de la semaine : Dimanche

Localisation :

Lieu historique : Manchester

Lieu : Manchester

Code commune : -

Latitude : 53.4811087803479

Longitude : -2.24488849333542

Unités administratives historiques :

Entité politique : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande

Entité administrative : Lancashire

Sous-entité administrative : -

Unités administratives :

Pays : Angleterre

Entité administrative : North West England

Sous-entité administrative : Manchester

Caractéristiques :

Typologie HiSCoD : Conflit lié au travail

Typologie originale : Economic

Nombre de participants : IndéterminéParticipation féminine : Indéterminé

Présentation du contenu

Description (langue originale) : -

Description (anglais) : Weavers strike. Mass meetings. Attacking factories (often deliberately leaving power mills untouched). Cloth and wept thrown into the canal. Attacking police with stones and missiles. Stoning factories before forcing way in. Shops entered and gutted. Some coaches stopped and money demanded. Sending delegates to other towns to spread strike. Covering windows of factories and coaches with dirt and mud. Mugging respectable-looking men. Loaves thrown out to appease mob (which it normally did - attacked only if not forthcoming). Levvying at pubs and private homes. Contributions received with cheers and shared amongst the crowd. Tried to burn down a mill. Went up to bedrooms above shope and destroyed furniture, beddding and clothes. Picketing house where they believed some knobstick was coming to take up jobs. Rescuing prisoners from gaol.


Sources primaires : Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette 11/4/1829.
Gore's Liverpool General Advertiser - Thursday 07 May 1829.
Liverpool Mercury - Friday 08 May 1829.
Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette 9/5/1829.
Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette 23/5/1829.
‘Depression Of Trade In The Manufacturing Districts’, The Times (London, England), Monday, May 04, 1829, pg. 5, Issue 13905.
‘Disturbances At Manchester. Looms Destroyed, And A Factory Burnt’, The Times (London, England), Wednesday, May 06, 1829, pg. 3, Issue 13907.
‘Alarming And Destructive Riots At Manchester’, The Times (London, England), Thursday, May 07, 1829, pg. 5, Issue 1390.
‘Riots At Rochdale’, The Times (London, England), Saturday, May 09, 1829, pg. 6, Issue 13910.
‘Manchester’, The Times (London, England), Tuesday, May 12, 1829, pg. 5, Issue 13912. ‘The learned Abbe Angelo Maï, librarian of the Vatican, to whom literature is indebted for the discovery of the’, The Times (London, England), Monday, Jul 27, 1829, pg. 2, Issue 13976. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 02 May 1829. Tuesday 05 May 1829, Manchester Mercury. Saturday 09 May 1829, Manchester Times. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 09 May 1829. Tuesday 12 May 1829, Manchester Mercury. Saturday 16 May 1829, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 16 May 1829. Tuesday 19 May 1829, Manchester Mercury. Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette 16/5/1829.

Bibliographie : Tiratelli, Matteo (2020). ‘The Changing Practice of Rioting: Revisiting Repertoire Transitions in Britain, 1800-1939’. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 201-219 [10.17813/1086-671X-25-2-201].
Tiratelli, Matteo (2019). ‘Catalogue of riots in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester, 1800-1939’. UK Data Service, V1 [10.5255/UKDA-SN-853781].


Auteur(s) : Matteo Tiratelli

Contributeur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

Date de création : 2022-01-14

Date d'édition : 2022-04-19